Community Profile

Population Information

Population in 2010:   22,194 which is a population change of -0.6 since 2000

Males : 10,748 (48.4%)
Females : 11,446 (51.6%)

Median Resident Age : 30.7 years
(Texas Median Age: 40.8 years)

Hispanic: 13,221 (59.6%)
White alone : 7,513 (33.9%)
Black alone : 1,077 (4.9%)
Two or more races: 169 (0.8%)
Asian alone : 107 (0.5%)
American Indian Alone : 65 (0.1%)
Other race alone : 24 (0.1%)
Native Hawaiian/ Pacific Islander Alone : 18 (0.08%)

Ancestries :

United States 7.7%
German 5.4%
English 5.0%
Irish 4.6%
Scotch-Irish 1.2%
French 1.1%

2,210 residents are foreign born (8.8% Latin American)

Education level for population 25 years and over:

High school or higher 66.6%
Bachelor's degree of higher 16.7%
Graduate or Professional degree 5.8%
Unemployed 7.2%

Status for population 15 years and over in Plainview:

Never married 24.0%
Now married 57.6%
Separated 2.3%
Widowed 7.7%
Divorced 8.5%

Housing and Location Information

Lattitude: 34.19N, Longitude 101.72 W

Nearest city with population of 50,000+ : Lubbock Texas
Nearest city with population of 200,00+ : Oklahoma City, OK
Nearest city with population of 1,000,000+ : Dallas, TX

Other nearby cities : Seth Ward, TX ; Hale Center, TX ; Kress, TX; Edmonson, TX; Lockney, TX ; Petersburg, TX; Olton, TX; Tulia, TX

Home Sales in Plainview 

Single Family New House Construction Building Permits
2007: 0 Buildings
2008: 5 Buildings; average cost $209,000
2009: 8 Buildings; average cost $93,900
2010: 3 Buildings, average cost $226,800 

Business and Industry Information

Most common industries (2005-2009)                                Most common occupations
MALES:                                                                                  MALES:

Manufacturing (24%)                                                             Food processing (7%)
Construction (13%)                                                               Other sales and workers (6%)
Retail Trade (10%)                                                                Driver/sales workers (6%)
Public Administration (7%)                                                   Other production occupations (5%)
Agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting (7%)                    Building/grounds cleaning (5%)
Educational Services (6%)                                                   Laborers (5%)
Wholesale Trade (6%)                                                          Law Enforcement (4%)

Most common industries (2005-2009)                                Most common occupations
FEMALES:                                                                             FEMALES:

Health Care and Social Assistance (18%)                         PreK, K, E, M teachers (7%)
Educational Services (17%)                                                 Secretaries & Admin Asst. (6%)
Accommodation & Food Services (14%)                           Building/Grounds Cleaning (5%)
Other services, except public administration (10%)           Healthcare (4%)
Manufacturing (6%)                                                                Food Processing (4%)
Public Administration (5%)                                                   Bookkeeping, accounting clerks (3%)

Unemployment in March 2012:

Plainview : 7.0%
Texas 7.0%

For more detailed information, please see the following links:

City Data Plainview TX
The site has an extensive detailed listing of the city data for Plainview.  The page begins with the current weather and a series of maps organized by tabs.    The listing starts below this with population data. Underneath that is the housing data with an area where one can type in either information to see the value of their home (for those that live in Plainview) OR search for recent home sales and information (for people seeking to move to Plainview).  Below this is some more population information.  Then below that there is information for buildings with new construction.   Then follows income data. Underneath that is a detailed crime analysis chart comparing several years' worth of information.  Below that is information about the number of historical sites.  Below that is a population change graph.  The average climate data is also listed on this site.  Locations and information about medical facilities, educational facilities, airports, banks, hotels, libraries, and churches are also listed here.  The site has more information below that.  It is a very extensive collection of data that can be very useful, however, the site needs to be better organized as it goes back and forth between different categories and is difficult to search for specific information.
This site is full of various information about the community profile of Plainview, Texas.

Wikipedia Plainview Texas City Information
This site contains less information than the above site, but it is much better organized and easily read.  It includes basic geography information, demographics, notable natives, education facilities, and two sites listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

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