
The Plainview Chamber of Commerce Business Directory can be found here:
Business Directory
where one can choose a category for the type of business they are searching for.  The listings are alphabetical and include the name of the business, the owner's name, locations, contact information and website if available.  The site is incredibly user friendly and easy to navigate.

Plainview is always encouraging and welcoming new businesses.  

The Plainview/Hale County Industrial Foundation

The purpose of this foundation is to promote economic development in both Plainview and Hale County.  It has been successful in creating over 5000 jobs in less than 15 years.  Their success has come from a partnership between the Industrial Foundation, the City of Plainview, the County of Hale, and the Plainview Chamber of Commerce.  It is financed by memberships of local businesses and through contracts for development services from the City of Plainview and Hale County.  For more information about the Plainview/Hale County Industrial Foundation, please visit their website:
This site is very well maintained and easy to use.  It explains the benefits of starting business in Plainview.  Plainview is located in the center of the U.S., and is accessible through various interstates, air, and rail systems.  The city has low taxes and inexpensive energy.
There are several pages on this site beyond the home page.  There is a location page which shows where in Texas Plainview is located.  There is a Community & Quality of life page which emphasizes the strong bonds of the community of Plainview while pointing out the benefits of living there.  There is another page titled industrial sites that is an up to date listing of available sites.  There is an education page that lists colleges and universities in and nearby Plainview.   There is a community profile page that outlines some basic information and benefits of Plainview.  There is an incentives page  which is a very efficient and informational way of outlining the important and growing incentives of starting a business in Plainview.  There is also a listing of some of the local industries and some outside links that are related to Plainview on this site.

Plainview First
is also known as the Coordinating Board of Economic Development.  It consists of 8 members appointed by the City Council and mayor.  It also consists of the following economic development partners:  Wayland Baptist University, South Plains College, Covenant Hospital in Plainview, Plainview/Hale County Industrial Foundation, Hale County, Plainview Chamber of Commerce, Plainview Independent School District, Ports to Plains, and the CIty of Plainview.  They work together to bring industry, retail, and tourism to Plainview.

Helpful Links

Finance Department & Contact Info The finance department provides financial data to the city manager, departments, city council and mayor.  This department handles accounts payable, administration of financial affairs, asset management, debt management, development and budget use, insurance, investment and treasure management, preparation and distribution of payroll checks and utility billing.

Municipal Code This page is currently not updated.

Employment Opportunities A constantly updated page that displays a listing of currently available jobs that can be sorted by several categories.  A job description is provided, along with the availability of the job, how to apply, qualifications, special requirements, and salary information.

Building Permits & Inspections lists what building/construction requires permits, and provides contact information and a list of resources.

New Business Information  This page is a simple, explanatory page for those starting a new Business.   It begins with a congratulatory note from several departments.  It continues on to a checklist for starting a business as it pertains to building, fire, electrical, plumbing and health codes, so if you are starting a business, please be sure to check out the useful information that can be found here!

Zoning Administration  If you are interested in buying a piece of property for a home, business or other use, please make sure that property is zoned for that purpose.  Contact information is listed on this page.  Also, there is a link to the Special Event Permit Application that must be completed if one is planning to hold an event within city limits.  There is a $50 fee for the approval of this application.

Plainview Chamber of Commerce  This is the main page for the Plainview Chamber of Commerce.  There is a large variety of business information on this site and it is very user friendly.  On the main page there is a long list of contact information.  Also, there is a listing for Business of the Month, and Student of the Month.  The information is sorted out for visitor information, living here, a calendar, member information and statistics.  For a list of major employers in the Plainview area, please see: Major Employers.

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